
The booklet of abstracts is now available online. Check it to get a glimpse of the topics and talks of the first edition of the QUERCY-2021 workshop!
Given the recent gouvernment restrictions, and to leave time for an improvement of the sanitary situation, the workshop dates have been shifted to June 5-12 2021. Block the dates in your agenda! The fun will be the same!
Our warmest acknowledgements to the sponsors that will make this idea come true: LabEx PALM; Division de la Recherche de l'UFR Sciences - Université Paris-Saclay; Graduate School de Physique - Université Paris-Saclay; Departement de Physique de l'UFR Sciences - Université Paris-Saclay; Ecole Doctorale Physique en Ile-de-France; Ecole Doctorale Astronomie et Astrophysique d'Ile de France; Ecole Doctorale Ondes et Matière. Thanks so much to all!
The website for the Physics Junior Workshop on Quantum Systems, Elementary Fields, Radiation, Cosmos & Interactions is now open. Visit us to learn more about this thrilling event!
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